5 Tips for When Your Newborn Meets Friends and Family
What should you consider when your newborn meets friends and family? Are you introducing your baby to family and friends soon? Warm indoor gatherings can be the perfect cozy setting to meet and we can all imagine what happens next: everyone wants to hold baby, give them lots of love, and share in the joy. Lots of stimulation can be exhausting for both you and your baby! We’ve gathered some of our best tips for keeping everyone happy when your newborn meets family and friends.
Manage Expectations When Newborn Meets Friends and Family
More and more, new parents are setting boundaries early by sending a kind text message with information ahead of having guests meet baby. Within the first month of bringing baby home, you may not want to have visitors at all because it can be exhausting. If you choose to have loved ones come to call, don’t be afraid to ask guests for help. They can bring a meal, help with household chores, or care for pets and siblings. If you’d rather they spend time with baby, set them up in the living room with anything they need so you can focus on you. This might mean taking a shower or a nap, eating a meal, or running an errand.
Be Aware of Germs
There are many common illnesses that can be very serious in newborns and infants even if they’re just a runny nose in an adult or older child. The minimum hygiene requirements for someone holding baby should be thoroughly washing hands and not touching or kissing baby’s face or hands (as hard as that might be for them!). When your newborn meets friends and family, having visitors wear a mask during their visit may also be a good idea! Consider what it might look like to limit the exposure to germs carried by younger children who are in daycare or school. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask about family member’s vaccination status. If you are uncomfortable being around someone unvaccinated, it’s OK to say so.
Think About How Your Baby is Going to React
You know your baby and their routine best! Even if your baby is just a month old, you’ve already learned how they react to different situations. Keep what you know about your little one in mind as you plan meeting friends and family members. Routines are important for baby, make sure feedings are consistent with their comfort and routine. If you’re chest or breast feeding, consider where you’ll do so or pump if necessary where you’re going. It’s a good idea to pack a bag with all the essentials and comforts of home if you’re meeting up outside the house!
Recognize When Your Baby is Overwhelmed
For a baby who is used to being at home with one or two primary caregivers, a room full of people could easily get overwhelming. Use the 5 S’s (swaddle, suck, side, sway and shhh) to help calm baby. Also considering creating a relaxation space if you are traveling for your newborn to meet friend and family. This can be a space for you, your baby, and partner to relax and get away from the crowd. Consider inviting in one or two people at a time, rather than passing baby around. Bring a portable crib or bassinet to make this space a safe one for baby to sleep in. Just like feeding times try to make nap times as consistent as possible.
Make an Exit Strategy
One easy way to make sure you and your baby stay relaxed is by setting parameters for the visit ahead of time. If someone is coming over to your house, ask them to come for a specific amount of time like dinner, a walk, or an afternoon nap. Be straightforward with your communication, and don’t be afraid to say, “We are going to get ready for bed. Thanks for coming over and bringing us dinner. Please don’t forget your dish!” If you are traveling, you can also say when you have to leave by or make it clear what times you will be visiting. If you are staying with a family member or friend, you can also say you are going to bed (or put baby to bed and slip away, too).
Your new baby meeting friends and family members is such a great time to make memories. The memories are even sweeter when we are as relaxed and healthy as possible.