Tag Archive for: Baltimore families

There isn’t a handbook for pregnancy, birth, or parenthood and that can be overwhelming. If you’re finding yourself with notebooks or spreadsheets full of information to wade through, you’re not alone. We have access to an entire internet full of recommendations, be they current or outdated. Finding reasonable, science-backed answers can feel like an uphill battle and a lonely one at that. Are childbirth classes really necessary? Are newborn care classes worth it?Where can I find newborn classes and childbirth education in Baltimore?

That’s a call only you and your partner can make.

Childbirth Education

What is Childbirth Education?

Childbirth Education Classes are educational programs taught by experienced instructors well versed in the field of Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum. Childbirth Education curriculum varies and classes attended are generally chosen based on your preferences. Some focus heavily on a larger, trademarked curriculum such as Evidence Based Birth or Lamaze, while others are completely unique to the instructor such as Doulas of Baltimore’s signature Complete Childbirth Education Series.

Childbirth Education classes can be taught in person, online, in a group setting, or on an individual basis. There are many options and approaches, the bottom line is finding one that someone you trust teaches.


What should my class cover?

While there are many different types of curriculum, and the benefits of childbirth education still require more official study, it’s well known that access to education increases positive outcomes. When looking at classes, ensure yours covers these basic topics:

  • Decision making strategies to ensure you remain an active participant in your birth story
  • Tips for staying healthy and comfortable in late pregnancy
  • Physiology and the process of labor and birth
  • Common interventions and medication options
  • How to create and communicate your birth preferences
  • Hands-on coping, comfort and relaxation techniques 
  • Preparing for the postpartum experience


Whether you’re planning on going through childbirth without an epidural or are open to medication, understanding these key topics can help you create the birth and postpartum experience that will set you up for success.


Doulas of Baltimore is hosting our Spring session of our Complete Childbirth Series on Saturdays beginning April 6th, 2024 in Baltimore and our One Day Baby 101 workshop in Frederick. Our Complete Childbirth Series runs 4 weeks and covers 12 hours of science-backed education in an affirming and open environment. Our Baby 101 workshop is a one day intensive that gives new parents all the essential information they need. Learn more and register here!

Newborn Care Classes

What are Newborn Care Classes?

Newborn Care Classes are educational sessions for anyone who needs updated information on the care and keeping of newborn babies. Experienced teachers lead these classes who have taken professional training and work in the field. There are many different options for taking these classes including Hospital-based programs and more uniquely designed curriculum created by individuals. Ensure the source and how frequently the materials are updated are considered when searching for your classes. Safety standards for newborns and infants change regularly and ensuring you have the latest information ensures you’re able to keep your baby safe and those around your baby updated.

What should my class cover?

All Newborn Care classes should cover the basics of baby care such as feeding and diapering as well as:

  • Preparing your home and family for a newborn
  • Common baby gear and gadgets
  • Normal newborn characteristics
  • Hygiene including diapering, bathing, and dressing
  • Crying and newborn communication
  • Comfort and bonding techniques
  • Newborn sleep patterns and safe sleep
  • Feeding options and techniques
  • Hunger and satiation cues
  • Common feeding obstacles


Doulas of Baltimore has an opportunity for Newborn Care Education this Spring. Join us in Baltimore for our 4 Week Essential Newborn Care Series. This class runs 4 weeks and covers 12 hours of science-backed education in an affirming and open environment. Learn more and register here!


When considering the question, “What childbirth classes should I take?” consider who is teaching it, what the course covers, and if the curriculum is aligned with your birth wishes. If you’re searching for infant care classes for new parents we recommend ensuring that the course is based in science and has up-to-date information on safety and development for newborn babies. We recommend if you’re searching for Newborn classes and Childbirth Education in Baltimore or Frederick, consider Doulas of Baltimore!


We believe education is one of the most important things you can invest in. Above all when we educate ourselves we empower ourselves to make sound decisions, enter any situation with confidence, and create a great environment for a positive experience. Generally taking classes with your birth partner prior to giving birth can deeply connect you to one another creating a sense of safety and support.

Pinterest graphic about classes for new parents to take

This year was one of tremendous growth for Baltimore families and the DOB family alike!

Our Doulas of Baltimore Team

Our small but mighty team of 5 who weathered the first years of the covid pandemic together, expanded to a team of 10 in 2022. This year our team has grown again – we now have 17 incredible birth professionals

We work hard but like to have fun, too. Lots of fun team outings this year, including some lovely lunches, a happy hour at Union Craft Brewing, and an Orioles’ game!

Childbirth Education & Parenting Workshops

We have had the privilege of working with 41 different families in our childbirth and parenting education workshops this year! This included 13 group workshops in our gorgeous studio, as well as four virtual group sessions and two private in-home classes! 

While both Emily and Debbie have been thoroughly enjoying spending time in the studio, on Zoom, and in-home educating new parents, the demand (particularly for group classes) has exceeded our capacity. So two of our incredible doulas are joining our education team!

We are now able to expand our offerings and 2024 will be bringing new opportunities for Baltimore families. Among the things we are most looking forward to is our brand new infant care class – the Essential Newborn Series! Keep an eye on our social media for more updates on our class offerings coming in 2024. 

Birth Doula & Postpartum Doula Support

We were honored to support 91 growing Baltimore families over the course of 2023!

GBMC took the number one spot this year, up from tied for number 2 last year. While 20 families choose GBMC as their birth location this year with Mercy and Hopkins remaining in the top 3 (18 and 17 respectively). St. Joe’s, Howard County and UMMC remained popular birth locations with our clients as well. 

Our team worked nearly 4,000 hours of in-home postpartum doula and newborn care support!*

(*That’s over 165 days!)

Maryland Medicaid Doula Program

This year also marked a huge step forward in the accessibility of doula support for many Maryland families utilizing the Medicaid Doula Program. We were able to support several families under this new system. We are looking forward to serving more families while ensuring our doulas are adequately compensated for their time, expertise, and knowledge. 

New Office Space

Don’t worry, we are at the same great location! In addition to our lovely studio space, we now have a cozy office for client meetings, private classes, and team meetings.

In early December, we hosted a gathering of growing family professionals there and it was such a delight. Finding resources to share with our clients and connecting with like-minded professionals? Yes, please!

Giving Back

In addition to maintaining our longstanding commitments to Maryland Families for Safe Birth, Fluid Movement, MOMCares, and The Family Tree, this year we were fortunate to be able to donate over $5000 and to expand our contributions to include the following worthy causes:  

    • There Goes My Hero – an organization dedicated to supporting families impacted by blood cancers, founded by Erik Sauer, our incredible business coach and leukemia survivor;
    • The Bloom Collective – a perinatal wellness cooperative in Baltimore dedicated to advancing racial and reproductive justice, advocacy, and human rights;
    • Black Mamas Matter Alliance – a national network of women-led and Black-led birth and reproductive justice organizations and multi-disciplinary professionals, working across the full-spectrum of maternal and reproductive health;
    • Baltimore Family Alliance – an independent alliance of thousands of families, educators, and community activists & organizations committed to city life and improving the lives of all Baltimore residents.

We also had a hugely successful supply drive as part of our holiday open house for Growing Family Professionals.

We collected menstrual and dental hygiene supplies for our local food bank – GEDCO CARES. And many thanks to all the generous donors!

As we close the chapter on 2023, the DOB family is grateful for a year of growth, community impact, and unwavering commitment to supporting Baltimore families, and we eagerly anticipate the possibilities that lie ahead in the coming year.

Find out our busiest birth month, zip codes with the most DOB clients, and more of our 2023 stats on our Instagram page!

For many Baltimore families, the arrival of summer in Maryland means tons of sun & fun!  

However, adding a baby to your warm-weather adventures can seem overwhelming. Keeping up with naps and feeding, monitoring sun exposure, and all the extra ‘stuff’ you’re suddenly hauling everywhere can make exiting your home feel more like a chore and less like an enriching experience.

Never fear! Having a baby doesn’t mean you have to skip all the amazing things Baltimore has to offer this summer. You might even find out that watching your little one take in the world around them in new ways is the very best part of each outing. Check out our Summer in Baltimore Family Bucket List! And when you’re done then head over here for tips on how to get out of the house with a baby without hauling everything (and the kitchen sink).

Attend a Summer Festival

Various dates

Baltimore is booming with festivals this summer! Whether you’re looking to enrich yourself in heritage and culture, check out the local flavors, or get some shopping in- there’s a festival for you. Come and enjoy the sights, then leave when baby has had enough. Baltimore Pride, Cherry Hill Art & Music, Baltimore Washington One Caribbean Carnival, and AFRAM are a few of our favorites!

Relax at the Movies

Thursdays in July | 9:00 PM | Federal Hill Park

Going to see a movie is one thing new parents usually remove from their repertoire fairly quickly. Summer in Baltimore means outdoor movie nights, opening a world of possibilities to families! Flicks on the Hill is put on by the American Visionary Art Museum and is FREE to the public. Plan to arrive a little early and bring your own blanket. Movie choices range from the classics like Raiders of the Lost Ark to family favorites like The Princess and
the Frog, so there’s something for everyone! Plus visit the museum for free from 5-9pm!

Visit a Museum


One of the biggest benefits of living in a city as diverse as Baltimore is the variety of museums available to us! When you’re ready to get inside out of the heat (or rain as it so often happens), visiting a museum is a great idea for all ages. Try wearing your baby in a carrier and leaving the stroller at home for this one – you’ll navigate the exhibits more easily and keep curious fingers safely away from anything not meant for exploring! Bonus: Most Baltimore area museums are free admission for the under-two crowd! Check out the Baltimore Museum of Art and grab brunch at Gertrude’s while you’re there, take a ride on a streetcar at the Baltimore Streetcar Museum, or enjoy drop-in art sessions at the Walters Art Museum.

Bask on the Beach

All summer | 8:00 AM – Sunset | Gunpowder Falls State Park: Hammerman Area

One thing Marylanders do well is the beach!  While our beloved OC is a favorite for many, the long drive and busy nature of this beach can make it a no-go for families with babies. Get your fix of sun & sand by visiting a state park this summer instead! Hammerman beach is a beautiful strip of sand on the Chesapeake.

You’ll have to leave Baltimore for this one, but the drive to this treasure off of Route 40 is under an hour. Easy parking and large bathroom/shower facilities are both located mere steps from the actual beach, making this an easy day trip even if you’re hauling a lot of beach necessities along. Grab a snowball at the snack bar or pack a picnic and eat in the (ample) shaded picnic areas. Early mornings and weekdays are often the least busiest times to visit this beach, but weekends feature a shop with paddleboards and kayaks for rent. Kids in car seats are always free admission!

No matter what you decide to do this season, get out and about in and around Baltimore and have fun! Getting into the habit of bringing baby along for activities sets you up for a lifetime of memory making. Little ones may not always remember the things we do at this age, but you’ll never regret the time spent together.