Entries by Emily Pelton

New Feature: Heathy Recipe Corner

A healthy diet is so important for new and expecting families and we want to help you out!  Each month we will be featuring simple, quick, nutritious and fun recipes to help make your life a little easier and healthier! This first recipe is perfect for anyone who is busy but wants a yummy, healthy […]

Pool Daze: All the Hard Work, None of the Glory

Summer by the pool…ah, how relaxing. Oh wait, you have small children? Then it’s the opposite of relaxing! I remember when my children were tiny, seeing moms sitting by the pool, reading magazines (sitting?? reading??). This seemed like an impossibility. A future that could never be mine. But alas, it became mine and was bittersweet […]

Interview with Shady Grove Fertility’s Wende Allen, PA-C

Last week, DOB had the pleasure of interviewing Wende Allen, PA-C, of Shady Grove Fertility. Wende is a physician assistant who works closely with patients and fertility doctors throughout every aspect of fertility treatment. Because we know that many people struggle through fertility issues, we understand it’s a topic close to the heart of many […]

Editorial: A Few of DOB’s Favorite Books to Read with Kids

  Reading to my children has been a favorite daily activity from birth on…These days my kids are nearly 11 and 13 years old so they mostly read to themselves now but we still enjoy listening to audiobooks as a family. Give us any reason for a road trip and our first stop will be […]