Tag Archive for: new parents

In recent years, fertility benefits have become an important and sought-after part of employee benefits packages. Carrot Fertility is a global fertility benefits provider that helps employers support their employees with reproductive health services. Whether you’re considering fertility treatments, egg or sperm freezing, adoption, or surrogacy, they offer financial and educational support to make these journeys more accessible.

What is Carrot Fertility?

Carrot Fertility is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides financial assistance and expert guidance for reproductive health and family journeys. Unlike traditional health insurance plans, Carrot offers more flexible coverage tailored to a wide range of fertility and reproductive needs, including:

  • Fertility treatments (IVF, IUI, egg freezing, etc.)
  • Adoption and surrogacy support
  • Pregnancy and postpartum care (hint: that means us!)
  • Menopause and hormonal health support
  • LGBTQ+ family assistance

An expectant LGBTQ+ couple lounges together.

Who Can Benefit from Coverage?

Carrot Fertility is designed for individuals and families at various stages of their reproductive health journey. The program is particularly beneficial for:

  • Employees seeking treatments like IVF or egg freezing
  • LGBTQ+ individuals or couples looking to expand their families through surrogacy or adoption
  • Individuals with medical conditions that could affect reproductive health
  • Those who want to preserve their eggs or sperm for future family planning
  • Employees experiencing menopause or hormonal changes and seeking specialized care

By offering this type of coverage, companies can show a commitment to employee well-being, inclusivity, and work-life balance. Many businesses are adding these benefits to attract and retain top talent.


How to Apply for Carrot Fertility Benefits

If your employer provides Carrot Fertility as part of its benefits package, applying is simple:

  1. Check Your Eligibility – Log into your company’s benefits portal or contact HR to confirm benefits are available to you.
  2. Sign Up – If eligible, you’ll receive access to the Carrot platform, where you can explore your available benefits.
  3. Consult with the Experts – Connect with fertility specialists, adoption advisors, or hormonal health consultants for guidance on your next steps.
  4. Use Carrot Benefits – Depending on your employer’s plan, you’ll receive financial assistance, reimbursements, or direct payments for eligible services.

For those whose employers do not yet offer these benefits, consider advocating for it in your company’s benefits package by discussing it with your HR department. You could also request it directly from their website!

Hands on a keyboard search for fertility options in Baltimore.

Does Doulas of Baltimore work with Carrot?

Yes! We have had the pleasure of caring for many families whose employers provide coverage for families. If you’d like more information, please reach out to us and we’ll discuss your options!


Carrot Fertility has created a simple solution for companies to support reproductive health and family planning. By offering financial assistance, expert guidance, and a broad range of services, Carrot makes care more accessible to employees of participating companies worldwide. If you’re considering fertility treatments, family planning, or reproductive health support, ask if your employer provides Carrot Fertility and take advantage of the benefits available to you!

Our top positions to try during labor? Childbirth is a process that can last a varied amount of time based on many factors. During labor, the birthing person might need to try a variety of different comfort measures. Even moving between each of these positions can help ease discomfort and be a welcome distraction. We’ve put together a guide on some of our top recommendations complete with variations and things for a support person to consider.

Positions for laboring in bed


Description: Throne position is a secret weapon of doulas everywhere! This position utilizes the movement of hospital beds to get the laboring person into a comfortable position for resting or waiting. This one is easy to remember, since the very idea of the position is in the name. We’ll be putting our birthing individual on a “throne”.

How to Get There (hospital bed): Have the birthing person sit in the bed. Using the controls on the hospital bed, raise the back up between 45 and 90 degrees. Have the birthing person lean forward for the initial adjustment and lean back to raise or lower the back to a comfortable position. Drop the lower part of the bed all the way to create a “throne”. The goal is a seated position.

Especially Helpful for: After an epidural or medication! This position is perfect for when you’re waiting for dilation but are comfortable enough with medication on board to rest. This is also helpful for getting baby to descend by letting gravity work its magic.

Variations: While this can be great for medicated births, this seated position is also excellent for non-medicated births in other spaces. One notable variation is sitting backwards on the toilet! Since our pelvic floors are trained to relax on the toilet to allow us to use the bathroom, often we’ll use this position to move dilation along. Note: this position can get intense very quickly as baby descends, make sure someone is nearby to help the birthing person off the toilet quickly if needed.

Side Lying

Description: As the name suggests, this position is very simply lying to the side for the birthing person. Another resting position, this helps take the pressure off of the pelvis and back for the birthing individual. We highly recommend a pillow or two between the legs. This one doubles as an excellent pushing position! The top leg can be held by the individual, their birthing partner, a nurse, or a doula to allow the pelvis to open in a more comfortable position.

How to Get There: Simply turn gently to one side or the other! To keep labor moving, a great idea is to move from one side to the other periodically.

Especially Helpful for: This is a great position for early labor, resting after an epidural, or while waiting for pushing urges to emerge. 

Variations: Adding a peanut ball or a stack of pillows that brings the upper knee facing upwards is a surefire way to help with dilation and progression of labor. This position is well-loved by our clients who choose medication as it allows them to rest well while laboring down. This can also be used for an unmedicated birth but, just as with the throne position on the toilet, it can get intense very quickly. Ensure someone is nearby in case a shift needs to happen quickly.

Hands and Knees

Description: Put those arms and legs to work! Laboring on all fours is an excellent way to open the pelvis. This position also could be great for getting baby oxygen and some physicians recommend it for easier positioning of monitors.

How to Get There: Very simply put, this position is fairly simple to get into! In the bed, rotate a little bit at a time with some support on one or both sides. Have someone nearby to move pillows or blankets as needed until the birthing person is in position.

Especially Helpful for: Active laboring! This position is a very active one and gives the birthing person the sensation of doing something instead of being swept away by laboring. Note: this one can get tiring! This is a great position to prepare or “train” ahead of time by lifting light weights or doing movements that strengthen the arms.

Variations: Lean over something to give your arms a rest! Our best suggestions are a stack of pillows, a birthing ball, or the back of the hospital bed. This position could also translate well to water if choosing hydrotherapy with the birthing person leaning over the side of the pool or bath.

Positions for out of the bed

A partner works with their pregnant partner to support them during labor.

Partner Supported

Description: Lean on me! Standing can get tiring but letting gravity do its job can be very helpful. Enter: partner support! Whether you lean on someone standing in front of you, behind you, or use a bedsheet or rebozo, getting support from someone else can make standing or squatting much easier.

How to Get There: For partner-supported sitting, simply have the partner stand in front of or behind the birthing person to support. It may be helpful for the partner to have their back supported against the wall.

Especially Helpful for: Taking a break from walking or while a contraction is happening. 

Variations: Use a bedsheet or rebozo under the birthing person’s arms to offer extra support that is easier to manage for the partner.


Hands and Knees Redux

Description: This position is a great one to do outside of the bed as well! Enjoy all the same benefits of hands and knees in the bed but with more freedom of movement.

How to Get There: Simply sit on the floor swinging legs around and using support to evenly distribute weight onto both hands and knees. Consider putting down a yoga mat or folded up blanket to support the knees and soften the surface.

Especially Helpful for: Active laboring and hip squeezes!

Variations: Lean over a birthing ball or chair to ease the strain on wrists.


Birth is not a one-size-fits-all and your comfort is a top priority. When practicing these positions, take note of what feels comfortable and what feels like too big of a stretch. Remind yourself and your birthing partner that what feels good outside of labor may change very quickly and vice versa. Stay in tune with your body as labor progresses and move naturally. Your body is wise!

New Parents, your life will never be normal again.

Ok, that’s not entirely true. You will settle into a new normal but when a baby is born, life as you know it comes to an end. That can sound daunting! How will you make sure your new baby is cared for, your home is tended to, your work keeps going? When new parents are settling into a new normal it will take work. With some skilled planning and a willingness to shift when needed, you’ll find yourself in a groove before too long.


End of New Parents Leave

Usually once a baby has arrived one or both parents will get some amount of leave from their job. Circumstances look different for each employer. Explore what options you and/or your partner have for parental leave once your baby has arrived. How long can you take? When preparing to return to work, consider what will make it easiest including a hybrid or virtual work schedule for a period of time or even permanently. Explore these options and what they will look like with your employer.

New Caregiver

New parents transitioning to a new caregiver will take some effort but with planning it can be as smooth as possible. Ensure your new caregiver has adequate bottles and pumped milk or formula available to feed the baby. Pack their bag well with extra diapers, wipes, outfits, and anything else they may need. Discuss any circumstances unique to your family that your new caregiver may need to understand (is your baby on medication? Do they need to be fed a certain way? etc.) Communication is key to make transitioning to a new caregiver as easy as possible.

Balancing Home/Work

A new baby will always change the dynamics in a house. Consider how to make the transition easier for yourself as new parents, your pets, big siblings, and extended family members. Identify how your household tasks are currently split. Who takes out the trash? What about cooking meals? Who does the dishes? Consider a chart or writing out a schedule for when these things occur and think about planning to prepare food ahead of time while you ease into your new routine.


Babies change your life in the blink of an eye and it can feel overwhelming going through all the changes that you will face. With an open mind, lots of communication, and a plan ready, going back to work will feel challenging but not impossible. 


Need some extra help? Check out our Free Ultimate Postpartum Planning Guide!

Mother’s Day is almost here and every year we get to decide what to get the mothers in our lives. Something that complicates the decision? New moms might not know what they need! Flowers, candy, and cards are all lovely but sometimes you want to be the rockstar gift giver. If you have an expectant mother you love, we’ve compiled a list of perfect gift ideas in this Mother’s Day Gift Guide that they really want.

First Time Moms want:


A baby in a Mockingbird Stroller with Bassinet sleeps next to a table holding two drinks and a laptop. Mother's Day Gift Guide

  1. Mockingbird stroller with bassinet – This ingenious combo is a stroller that doubles as a safe sleep surface on the main level. Perfect for smaller living spaces, using this as a bassinet while in your living room allows you to go from working from home to out the door without delay.

A baby lies on a Hatch changing pad and scale while a caregiver smiles down at them. Mother's Day Gift Guide

  1. Hatch Grow Smart changing pad and scale– Another brilliant two-in-one, this changing pad offers a safe, elevated space to change a baby’s diaper and a scale all in one. Offering new moms peace of mind, tracking baby’s weight can ensure that they’re getting enough to eat and growing right on schedule.

Overnight doula care for a newborn baby who smiles on a mat. Mother's Day Gift Guide

  1. Overnight newborn care – the Ideal gift for any new parent, help support them during this season of tired! Giving new moms the gift of sleep is invaluable for more than just making them comfortable. Quality sleep is linked to mental and physical health and the value of it cannot be overstated.


Experienced Moms want: 


Nanit pro camera multi-pack

  1. Nanit Pro multi pack– Keep eyes on ALL the babies with this beloved monitor in a multi-pack.  Connect it to your phone and watch your new baby and their new sibling as they sleep peacefully. Monitor temperature, humidity, receive cry alerts, and enjoy a bird’s eye view in crisp 1080p. Nanit is a wildly popular monitor for a reason!

Chicco Fit 360 revolving carseat in the back seat of a car, caregiver is helping strap baby in properly

  1. Chicco Fit 360 revolving car seat– Keep your little ones rear facing longer and cut down on the struggle of getting into the car with more than one! The innovative Chicco Fit 360 rotates to allow babies to be buckled into their seat. Simply rotate back and lock into place and you’re all ready to roll.

Happy family with baby smiles

  1. Daytime doula support– Gift an extra set of hands who knows exactly what needs to be done. When parents have daytime support, they can focus on resting, healing, and nourishing themselves while easing into their new normal. 


Loving the beautiful moms in our lives doesn’t have to be challenging! Getting gifts for new moms is a beautiful thing. You’re sure to “win” Mother’s Day with any of these ideas.

There isn’t a handbook for pregnancy, birth, or parenthood and that can be overwhelming. If you’re finding yourself with notebooks or spreadsheets full of information to wade through, you’re not alone. We have access to an entire internet full of recommendations, be they current or outdated. Finding reasonable, science-backed answers can feel like an uphill battle and a lonely one at that. Are childbirth classes really necessary? Are newborn care classes worth it?Where can I find newborn classes and childbirth education in Baltimore?

That’s a call only you and your partner can make.

Childbirth Education

What is Childbirth Education?

Childbirth Education Classes are educational programs taught by experienced instructors well versed in the field of Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum. Childbirth Education curriculum varies and classes attended are generally chosen based on your preferences. Some focus heavily on a larger, trademarked curriculum such as Evidence Based Birth or Lamaze, while others are completely unique to the instructor such as Doulas of Baltimore’s signature Complete Childbirth Education Series.

Childbirth Education classes can be taught in person, online, in a group setting, or on an individual basis. There are many options and approaches, the bottom line is finding one that someone you trust teaches.


What should my class cover?

While there are many different types of curriculum, and the benefits of childbirth education still require more official study, it’s well known that access to education increases positive outcomes. When looking at classes, ensure yours covers these basic topics:

  • Decision making strategies to ensure you remain an active participant in your birth story
  • Tips for staying healthy and comfortable in late pregnancy
  • Physiology and the process of labor and birth
  • Common interventions and medication options
  • How to create and communicate your birth preferences
  • Hands-on coping, comfort and relaxation techniques 
  • Preparing for the postpartum experience


Whether you’re planning on going through childbirth without an epidural or are open to medication, understanding these key topics can help you create the birth and postpartum experience that will set you up for success.


Doulas of Baltimore is hosting our Spring session of our Complete Childbirth Series on Saturdays beginning April 6th, 2024 in Baltimore and our One Day Baby 101 workshop in Frederick. Our Complete Childbirth Series runs 4 weeks and covers 12 hours of science-backed education in an affirming and open environment. Our Baby 101 workshop is a one day intensive that gives new parents all the essential information they need. Learn more and register here!

Newborn Care Classes

What are Newborn Care Classes?

Newborn Care Classes are educational sessions for anyone who needs updated information on the care and keeping of newborn babies. Experienced teachers lead these classes who have taken professional training and work in the field. There are many different options for taking these classes including Hospital-based programs and more uniquely designed curriculum created by individuals. Ensure the source and how frequently the materials are updated are considered when searching for your classes. Safety standards for newborns and infants change regularly and ensuring you have the latest information ensures you’re able to keep your baby safe and those around your baby updated.

What should my class cover?

All Newborn Care classes should cover the basics of baby care such as feeding and diapering as well as:

  • Preparing your home and family for a newborn
  • Common baby gear and gadgets
  • Normal newborn characteristics
  • Hygiene including diapering, bathing, and dressing
  • Crying and newborn communication
  • Comfort and bonding techniques
  • Newborn sleep patterns and safe sleep
  • Feeding options and techniques
  • Hunger and satiation cues
  • Common feeding obstacles


Doulas of Baltimore has an opportunity for Newborn Care Education this Spring. Join us in Baltimore for our 4 Week Essential Newborn Care Series. This class runs 4 weeks and covers 12 hours of science-backed education in an affirming and open environment. Learn more and register here!


When considering the question, “What childbirth classes should I take?” consider who is teaching it, what the course covers, and if the curriculum is aligned with your birth wishes. If you’re searching for infant care classes for new parents we recommend ensuring that the course is based in science and has up-to-date information on safety and development for newborn babies. We recommend if you’re searching for Newborn classes and Childbirth Education in Baltimore or Frederick, consider Doulas of Baltimore!


We believe education is one of the most important things you can invest in. Above all when we educate ourselves we empower ourselves to make sound decisions, enter any situation with confidence, and create a great environment for a positive experience. Generally taking classes with your birth partner prior to giving birth can deeply connect you to one another creating a sense of safety and support.

Pinterest graphic about classes for new parents to take