Entries by Ariel Swift

Furbabies and New Babies

If you are a pet owner, chances are you know what a furbaby is: dogs and cats that hold a special place in your heart. Maybe they are cuddly, or maybe they just get you. But as much as we don’t intend for a new baby to change the relationship between you and your pets, […]

New Parent Advice That Is Actually Horrible

As long-standing professionals in the birth industry, we at Doulas of Baltimore are exposed both to professional suggestions for how to parent, and opinions based on lore. Shockingly, some of the most “tried and true” pieces of new parent advice that have been passed down from are perpetuating lies. How? Either the bits of advice […]

Kon Mari With Your Postpartum Doula

Have you done it?  Have you watched the Marie Kondo show on Netflix? I watched it.  It was a glorious binge over two days.  In my personal life, it resulted in finally enjoying my closet and a birthday gift that made me feel seen and heard for the first time in a very long time.  […]